Issue 09

Blueprints & Breakthroughs: Episode 1
Our first full episode is now available for your listening and watching!
Listen on Spotify | Watch on YouTube
As Principal & Regional Leader of Property Tax at Ryan, Michelle Pink concentrates on building an outstanding team of real estate professionals and volunteering towards expanding the talent pool in Commercial Real Estate. Throughout her career, she's walked into rooms where she's been the "only"—the only woman, the only youngest. She shares her journey in commercial real estate, and how she found herself in an industry that wasn't necessarily on her radar growing up.

Niched Digital

Edmonton, Alberta
The REET Institute is a unique program designed to educate, train and equip high school students with adequate knowledge of commercial real estate. In this program, you are given eight (8) weeks access to structured learning, field exposure, a case competition with industry professionals and lots more!